Service & Maintenance

Why Choose Us

Choose our Buraq Cooling for reliable service, skilled technicians, and swift solutions to keep your home cool and comfortable year-round
Reliable service and a team dedicated to restoring your comfort swiftly. Our expertise ensures your cooling systems are in capable hands for efficient, lasting repairs.


Most affordable services in town


A professional team for your home.

High Quality

High quality and long lasting results

What is Service & Maintenance?

Air conditioning (AC) service and maintenance involve a comprehensive set of activities aimed at ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of air conditioning systems. This includes regular inspections, cleaning, and replacement of filters to enhance air quality and efficiency. Technicians also check and recalibrate thermostat settings, ensuring accurate temperature control. The inspection of refrigerant levels and potential leaks is crucial for preventing system malfunctions. Routine lubrication of moving parts and inspection of electrical components contribute to system reliability. In addition, professionals may assess the overall system for wear and tear, addressing any potential issues before they escalate. AC service and maintenance ultimately play a key role in improving energy efficiency, minimizing breakdowns, and extending the lifespan of air conditioning units. 

Service & Maintenance

  • Filter Cleaning and Replacement

    Regular AC service involves cleaning or replacing air filters to maintain optimal airflow, enhance air quality, and prevent strain on the system.

  • Refrigerant Check

    Technicians ensure the proper level of refrigerant in the AC system, addressing any leaks and maintaining the cooling efficiency of the unit.

  • Component Lubrication

    Critical moving parts of the AC system, such as fan motors and bearings, are lubricated during maintenance to reduce friction, minimize wear, and improve overall system performance.

  • Electrical System Inspection

    Routine checks of electrical components, such as wiring and contacts, help identify and address potential issues, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the air conditioning unit.

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